Signs One Might Need Therapy



Mental health is one of the most vital portions of life. It influences how one feels, thinks, and performs. A person’s well-being widely depends on their mental health. It also impacts others around them and their relationship with them. Biological issues, life events, and family history affect mental health mostly. Good mental health makes one realize their complete potential, handle stress well, work productively, and contribute to surroundings better. As important as it is, mental well-being is often neglected and people usually don’t make much effort to improve it, which is not how it should be, especially in the present world where every 3 out of 5 people have deteriorating mental health. This is very concerning as most people are not even aware that they’re not handling stress well.

Some signs indicate if it’s getting worse or not. These include:

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Irregular Sleep

Usually, 8-9 hours is the maximum time one should get to be asleep as it is the perfect period for the mind and the body to relax and shed all the exertion of the day. Sleeping too little or sleeping too much are two extremes of irregularity in a sleep cycle. This happens when a person does not have enough peace of mind to get a good night’s sleep. It is not only due to lack of mental solitude but also worsens the conditions even more if not tackled.

Irregular Meals

Taking proper and regular meals is extremely important for the body for it to stay energetic and get through the day. Usually, 2 or 3 meals are taken for good health. Eating too little or too much is an indication of some disorder. The body and mind are supposed to go hand in hand. Extreme concern about body image is a huge cause of such behavior. Not eating proper meals with all the essential portions of nutrients may lead to eating disorders and a person might become bulimic or anorexic.

Lack of Energy

Feeling low and having no enthusiasm in your day-to-day lifestyle is an indication that you might need counseling. Lack of energy and motivation makes it harder for a person to live their life to the fullest. It also decreases efficiency, makes one feel burnt out most of the time, and makes it hard to stay interested in daily tasks as well. Even the most usual activities seem difficult to a mentally exhausted person and they find trouble in performing daily tasks. 

Difficulty in Relationships

When one feels tired and done with themselves, they often tend to project their exhaustion to their surroundings, which makes them not want to indulge in social gatherings, put minimum effort into their relationships, and pushing people away which affects all types of their relationships directly or indirectly. This is not always intentional, their need to be alone and sulk makes them behave in such a way. Others need to understand them and make the person feel like they can confide in them.


Hopelessness is a dark place. It pushes a person into pits of depression. A person feeling despondent sometimes is natural human behavior but if this feeling becomes constant then it might be a problem that needs to be rectified. Feeling little to no confidence in what the future holds is like seeing no light at the end of the tunnel. For a depressed person, life seems hopeless and pointless. They must be talked to enough and given the needed validation so that they don’t turn insecure about every little thing they do.

Mood Swings

Quick and sudden changes in one’s mood are not a normal thing. One minute a person feels calm and the next melancholy takes over followed by confusion and anger without any external stimuli is an example of a sudden rollercoaster of mood swings. Severe mood swings indicate unstable mental health and these deeply impact the perception of one’s surroundings.

These are all the minor symptoms indicating that one might be not in a good place mentally and should seek help before it gets even worse. These are usually prevalent in the majority. Unfortunately, most of our communities tend to not pay much attention to this and don’t prioritize therapy. Such issues are dismissed by telling the victim ‘it’s all in your head’, which doesn’t help at all instead makes the person feel invalid and miserable. We should all come together to raise awareness in our societies about the risks of bad mental health and promote therapy so that there is psychological prosperity in our society. If you know someone going through these things, urge them to take therapy and if you feel like you have most of these symptoms, well, you know what to do to save yourself.

This article is written by Syeda Hafsa Zainab, one of the contributors at the School of Literature.


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