An Acute Guide to Simplifying Your Life — You Can Feel Stress Less



There is a foul reputation about stress. By searching online on the term “stress”, I found some tips for reducing stress, handling depression and anxiety. Is stress bad or good? Now it’s totally up to you whether stress is bad or good for you.

Research proves that if your attentions are always dreadful regarding stress, then your prediction will come true per your thoughts. But, if you’re thinking that stress could be a good thing it challenges you, and you will be able to walk on the way to a successful life. People with an optimistic attitude about stress lived a few years longer than those with negative thoughts about it, this is an incredible fact. So, it depends upon what you want. 

There are some hacks to mold your stress into positive energy:

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Breath — Count — Breath

One, the simplest and easiest way to decrease stress is to calmly keep your attention on your breath. It is a straightforward meditation that anybody can do. You will feel a rapid sense of relaxation; it will help you to maintain your health every time. You can do it at any time of the day. The way you inhale and exhale can reduce your stress level. Stress conditions often leave you taking depthless breaths. Instead, taking deep, slow, and controlled breaths. This technique will activate a sense of calm within just a couple of times.

Turn Overwhelmed Into Hopeful

Once you are feeling defeated, try and do something that goes sooner than your daily responsibilities. Your mind and negative thoughts might tell you that you just don’t have energy and time, but that’s exactly what you ought to have. By doing this, you bloom your brain and body to require positive action and to experience hope, courage, and connection.

By doing so, you’ll convert your impossible to possible. This achievement will provide you with mental happiness and satisfaction. It’s a little choice that may have fortuitously large effects on how you experience stress.

Get Writing

A technique to handle depression and stress is to jot down the items and thoughts. So journaling could be a good way to prevent your thoughts in their twist tracks and identify what’s activating your current stress response.

Writing is a crucial tool; use it to realize a healthier mindset on your situation and to see patterns and recurring themes that might be causing hurt or holding you back. You’ll also write a daily gratitude diary listing a minimum of one positive thing or consider your life. Many Smartphone apps can even facilitate this.

Create a Way of Satisfaction

Attempt to create a way of happiness and satisfaction. Spend longer on artistic activities like painting, sketching, and gardening, cooking, playing music, or knitting. In the future, fun, and laughter may also help to enhance mood and system.

Try to find humor in life every day. Spend time with friends or watch funny TV shows that help to alleviate stress. Do something you’ve always wanted to try to do. If you’re not sure how? Take a category and appearance for the activities and do. Create something that you create that is useful and helpful. It’ll reduce anxiety and stress.


Stress is an unavoidable part of our life, but it doesn’t mean that you just mustn’t take it seriously and ignore it. Untreated stress in excess can cause damaging physical and psychological problems. I hope this text will help you to get over your stress. If you want more articles about it you’ll find them on Google.

This article is written by Khadija Hameed, one of the contributors at the School of Literature.


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