A Gluten-Free Diet — All The In’s And Out’s



Gluten is not synonymous with gluttony and irrespective of the common belief, it does not involve weight gain. A gluten-free diet is an eating plan that aids patients with coeliac disease, in which the immune system of the patient starts attacking tissues with a high intake of gluten. Hence, to overcome the ailment patients go on a gluten-free diet. Mainly, gluten is a protein content found in grains, pulses, wheat, barley, and rye. 

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'Gluten-free diet' often confuses the people who are on a weight loss journey. The diet does not directly involve a person reducing weight rather it aids in repairing the damaged gut tissues, consequently helping in the intake of appropriate nutrients from one's diet. Although the diet has been designed specifically to benefit coeliac patients yet many people are getting intrigued by the advantages of the gluten-free diet plan. Non-celiac gluten-sensitive people also follow this diet plan because of the symptoms observed in them as coeliac patients, including abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, headache, or rash. Some immune system disorders also provoke people to opt for a gluten-free diet such as gluten ataxia — affects the nervous tissues and hinders motor skills. Besides this, people with allergies such as wheat or other food allergies, also follow a gluten-free diet plan. Hence, the gluten-free diet has many advantages and is becoming popular in the new diet-conscious world of individuals around the globe, according to a report from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey approximately 2.7 million people are following a gluten-free diet without having coeliac disease. 

Food Components in Gluten-Free Diet Plan

The food industry is revolutionizing day by day and producing many different kinds of food, including various gluten-free options as well as staple food items. However, some food groups naturally do not contain or have very less amount of gluten in them. 

● Eggs 

● Meat and fish (without any condiment or batter)

● Plain dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese without any preservatives or additives

● Fruits and vegetables

● Some grains are also gluten-free such as; quinoa, rice, buckwheat, corn, millet, arrowroot oats, teff, and sorghum

● Potato flour, cornflour, soy flour, almond flour, and coconut flour

● Nuts

● Oil

● Herbs and spices

● If someone is buying processed or packaged food items, it is best to read the label. 

Advantages of Gluten-Free Diet

Following are the main advantages of the gluten-free diet for people who do not have celiac disease but still want to follow this diet plan;

● A gluten-free diet helps in the improvement of gastrointestinal diseases.

● It aids against immune system disorders.

● The gluten-free products are available everywhere and within the reach of the layman.

● It saves the people who have gluten intolerance from allergy attacks.

● It improves the correct nutrient absorption which leads to weight loss. 

Disadvantages of Gluten-Free Diet

Irrespective of popular belief, a gluten-free diet bears negative effects on health if followed rigidly. Following are some of the disadvantages attached with gluten-free diet plan;

● People who suffer from celiac disease might have nutritional deficiencies and research shows that a gluten-free diet hinders the nutritional intake of the patients. 

● The most common side-effect of a gluten-free diet is constipation because of the loss of fiber from food the bowel movement is affected. 

● Gluten-free products might be over the budget for some people because of high costs. 

● Restaurants commonly do not have gluten-free options on their menu so it can affect the social life of a person as well. 


Despite popular belief and trends, it has not been proved that gluten is highly advantageous for people who do not suffer from coeliac disease. Hence, if someone is going to follow a gluten-free diet plan, they must be aware of the risks involved and consult a nutritionist first.

This article is written by Umm-e-Rumman Syed, one of the Contributors at the School of Literature.


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