3 Organic Instagram Marketing Strategies — A Guide to the Entrepreneurs



Setting up a business is not that simple. To begin with, you would like to have a good thought and an idea. From there, you need to find a beneficial specialty, characterize a target statistic, and have something of esteem to offer. Whether you are hawking items, administrating tasks, or generating information, getting the word out has gotten to be progressively burdensome. And without the correct showcasing procedures to fuel your development, churning a benefit and remaining above water is incomprehensible for all intents and purposes.

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Here comes the role of marketing strategies on Instagram to bring out the visibility of the brand. The platform with its key resources helps the brand in the process of evolving and growing. Let’s dig deep to understand the hashtag engagement to the live-video sessions that are meant to articulate your brand’s voice among the followers. 

The Hashtag Engagement:

From curating your post to adding hashtags underneath your captions helps your post to stand out. Hashtags are a great way to categorize the content while targeting the desired audience. The amalgamation of the location-based and niche-related hashtag shines the spotlight on your brand. The business driver allows you to strategically use a blend of content to tell a cohesive story with a powerful symbol and thus increases brand recognition among people. 

Instagram story:

From the sneak peek to packaging videos, the Instagram stories can be used for a multitude of reasons to boost audience engagement with the brand. Crafting the right strategy can scale your Instagram story and delight your followers by giving them an insight into your brand. It’s the commitment to being creative and consistent while taking advantage of ongoing trends and filters. The tip is to use the add story highlights in your bio to give your feed an extra component with some aesthetic looks!

Live-video sessions:

Instagram live offers an effective way to humanize your brand and showing the real person behind the scene. It connects the audience in a real-time way making the flow of communication adaptive for the followers. From creating a strong connection by conducting a Q/A session or having a conversation with your teammates, Instagram live helps you to increase the transparency of your brand organically. It also alerts your followers to join the live video session by sending them the push notification and giving them the first position on the story feed. Don’t forget to do your research in the pre-planning phase and roll out a plan to execute in post-production.

Let’s say that the place or the idea where the immense discomfort lies is also the point where your opportunity lies. The feeling that disturbs you to the idea that unnerves you, lean deeply towards them with a humanitarian approach and reclaim your power with confidence.

This article is written by Maria Tahir, one of the contributors at the School of Literature.


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