Effects of Communication Barriers on Domestic Environment


A short story

This world, which we live in is prone to consistent changes. Nothing in this world is stagnant whether it relates to changes in technology, changes in customs and traditions, or norms and values. With the passage of time, things that were once unacceptable become acceptable so people adjust and readjust depending on the needs of the time. The twenty-first century has brought in many developments and advancements in technology. Where on one hand, it has made life easier for a common man it has also made life miserable!

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The constantly changing lifestyles and trends have propelled us into a race to earn more so that we can keep up with our competitors. It is a common practice for both the husband and wife to work in order to make more money. Where once the woman’s main role was to be a homemaker and the man was considered the sole breadwinner it is becoming increasingly common these days for women to step out and take up demanding jobs in the professional world. However, they are still expected to keep performing the duties of a mother and a wife as soon as they step into the threshold of their homes. This dual responsibility causes stress leading to a feeling of resentment towards their spouses when the strain of performing all roles becomes too much. This ultimately results in a relationship devoid of mutual respect, understanding, and communication. The members most affected by this dilemma are the innocent children who look up to their parents as role models in everything they do.

Dr Kiran found herself in such a situation after her marriage to Rehan. Rehan holds an executive position in a high-profile business firm. He has worked strenuously and consistently to achieve this position thinking it would resolve all financial and other issues. His wife who is a successful gynecologist and is a rising name in her field also worked equally hard through her educational and professional career to achieve this position. They have three children aged 16, 12, and 5. In the early years of their marriage, they had the support of their parents who took care of the children so both the adults could pursue their careers unhindered. The grandparents took turns to look after the children as babies and also during their kindergarten years fulfilling the children’s needs of love and security. The couple was young and energetic and had so much support so life at work and home went on smoothly without causing any major problems.

However since the death of grandparents, one after the other the couple began to face problems with the raising of children. The children themselves demanded quality time from their parents and regarding their emotional as well as educational needs. The parents who were both at the top of their fields of work; however, in the pursuance of their careers found it difficult to cater to their children’s needs. Stress from work did not leave them with enough energy and peace f mind to listen to their children and resolve their issues.

Huzaifa the eldest of the siblings was sixteen years old and was great support for his sister Sara and younger brother Ali after the death of their grandparents. The three children often shared any troubles they had and tried to resolve them as they saw that the parents were hardly ever home and when they were there they were too stressed to allow for any intimate conversations or sharing of problems. The communication gap between the parents and children widened. The parents worked day and night to give the best of life to their children but missed what was most valued by their children; their time.

Huzaifa recently fell into trouble with a gang of bullies. He usually kept away from such trouble makers and it was not his intention to get into trouble with them. It so happened that one of his friends had an exchange of words with the gang who instantly pounced upon him to beat him up. Huzaifa immediately reported this to a faculty member who stopped the quarrel and the gang of boys was punished.

The gang found out that it was Huzaifa who had reported the incident to the school authorities. They began to abuse and mistreat him in various ways mostly after school and outside the school premises. He was badly beaten up on a few occasions and made up the excuse of falling off from his bike when inquired by the family. The gang warned that if he reported this to anyone they would harm his sister in some way. He became afraid of sharing this with Sara as she might do something that would endanger her too, in fact, he tried his best to keep away from her so she would not notice anything. 

This kept on for some time and at times Hizaifa thought of sharing this with his parents but the communication gap that had developed and deepened could not be bridged so easily. Huzaifa developed severe anxiety and eventually depression as he could not find any solution to his problem. As the incidents were not happening at school therefore he found it difficult to report them to his teachers moreover the fear that something would happen to his sister kept his lips sealed.

He lost interest in his studies and his grades fell but no one seemed bothered or if they were they did not ask what was troubling him and merely advised him to pay more attention to his studies. 


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