How Trauma Affects Childhood and Its Easy Treatment

How Trauma Affects Childhood and Its Easy Treatment



Trauma is defined by the American Psychological Association as "an emotional experience of a traumatic event such as an incident, assault, or major catastrophe" (APA). 

  Trauma is a common problem.

  Trauma is a common problem. It occurs when an individual is exposed to an emotionally distressing or life-threatening episode or set of events that have long-term negative consequences for their functioning.

  Psychological, physical, social, emotional, and/or spiritual well-being are all aspects to consider.

  In Greek, living with a family member who suffers from a mental disease or is addicted to anything is referred to as "trauma...Although the Greeks exclusively used the term to describe physical injuries, trauma is today used to describe emotional wounds as well. We now know that even after physical injuries have healed, a traumatic event can leave psychological symptoms.

  Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is the label given to the psychological reaction to emotional trauma.


The following are examples of potentially traumatic experiences:

  Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse all seem to be different types of abuse.

  Neglect in childhood

  Separation from a loved one without warning


  Racism, bigotry, and oppression are all forms of oppression.

  Community violence, conflict, or terrorism are all examples of terrorism.

  Living with a family member who has a mental illness or is addicted to opiates is a difficult situation.


Types of trauma

There are various different types of trauma, including:

  Acute trauma is caused by a single traumatic or stressful incident.

  Chronic trauma is caused by frequent and extended exposure to extremely stressful situations. Child abuse, bullying, and domestic violence are just a few examples. Exposure to several stressful incidents leads to complex trauma.

  Secondary trauma, often known as vicarious trauma, is another type of trauma. This type of trauma occurs when a person comes into close contact with someone who has been through a terrible event.


Trauma can cause a wide range of symptoms, from minor to severe. A person's reaction to a traumatic incident is influenced by several factors, including:

Exposure to traumatic events in the past is one of their distinguishing qualities.

  The occurrence of additional mental health issues

  Exposure to traumatic occurrences in the past

  The event or events' nature and attributes

  Their history and techniques for dealing with emotions

  Emotional and psychiatric reactions


A traumatized individual may experience the following emotions:

  1.   Denial
  2.   Anger
  3.   Fear
  4.   Sadness
  5.   Shame
  6.   confusion
  7.   anxiety
  8.   Depression
  9.   Numbness
  10.   Guilt
  11.   Hopelessness
  12.   Irritability
  13.   Concentration problems

  They may have emotional outbursts, struggle to manage their emotions, or withdraw from others. Nightmares and flashbacks, in which a person mentally relives a traumatic event, are both common.

The term conjures up images of childlike wonder, pleasure, hope, and awe. Childhood is a period when you feel safe, cherished, and protected. Knowing that you and your family are safe and secure gives you the confidence to develop secure and safe connections later in life. This is the most accurate method of describing and experiencing childhood. On the other hand, the reality of many children's experiences and their long-term implications is far from idealized.

Childhood Trauma and Adult Reactions

Abuse or neglect as a child can have a substantial impact on a person's quality of life as an adult. Emotional health, physical health, mental health, and personal relationships are just a few of the areas where it could have an impact. 

  Emotional well-being:

  Survivors of childhood abuse often feel anxiety, worry, embarrassment, guilt, helplessness, desperation, grief, sadness, and rage.

  Mental Health:

Childhood abuse or trauma has been related to greater rates of anxiety, despair, suicide and self-harm, PTSD, drug and alcohol abuse, and relationship problems.

  Physical Fitness

Children who have been subjected to abuse or trauma may develop a heightened stress response. This can affect their capacity to control their emotions, cause sleep problems, lower their immunological function, and increase their risk of a variety of physical disorders as they grow older.

The impact of childhood trauma on stability:

Childhood trauma erodes a child's sense of self and stability, eroding self-worth and often persisting into adulthood. Symptoms of childhood trauma include feelings of shame and guilt, feeling detached and unable to relate to others, issues controlling emotions, heightened anxiety and despair, and wrath. Consider the scenario of a youngster experiencing significant trauma that affects their feelings of safety and security.

To get the equilibrium relationship back together again and reestablish trust, you'll have to put in a lot of effort.


 Adult attachment issues can develop in children who have been abused by their caregivers or parents. These can include the following:

  Attachment that is dismissive and avoidant:

When a caregiver dismisses or rejects a child's needs, this type of attachment develops. To prevent being rejected again when the youngster grows older, he or she may choose to be ultra-independent.

  Attachment: Fearful-Avoidant:

It's natural for a child who has been subjected to abuse and neglect to be afraid of intimacy and close connections. Adults with a fear of avoidant attachment are frequently distrustful, have a hard time discussing emotions, and may appear alienated from their spouse.

  Attachment to an Anxious-Preoccupied Person:

This adult may appear clingy or needy and will frequently seek approval from others in relationships. They will never feel completely safe as a result of a childhood spent with parents who were inconsistent in their emotional stability. When a youngster is loved and then repeatedly rejected, the child begins to question their place in the world and needs constant reinforcement.

What can I do to help myself? How can I cope with a traumatic experience? 


The first and most critical step toward rehabilitation and support is to ensure your physical, emotional, and psychological safety.

  External or Physical Security:

It's critical to think about the safety of your current living situation. This could include the physical security of where you're staying, the neighborhood, your capacity to get help if you need it, and your relationships with those around you.

Consider what steps you might be able to take to ensure your personal safety if you don't feel safe right now. Hotlines for crisis support, local support groups, and community organizations can often provide useful information about available support choices, such as short-term housing or financial assistance.


The term "safety" refers to more than just physical security. It's also crucial to feel emotionally securePositive self-affirmations (e.g., telling yourself, "I can do this"), as well as "grounding" activities, can be effective tactics. Viewing yourself in a place where you feel physically and emotionally safe (e.g., a fond memory or a location), as well as high self (e.g., advising yourself, "I can do this") and "grounding" activities can be effective strategies (For example, clamping a rubber band around your wrist, spraying cold water in your face, or seeing and labeling five items around you).


You are solely responsible for your own personal experiences. You have the option of keeping them private or sharing them with those you trust, such as family members, friends, loved ones, or professionals. However, for many survivors, sharing their personal stories can be a crucial step toward healing.

Disclosure is the act of telling your personal experiences to someone you trust and feel secure with. A good first step would be to tell a close friend, family member, or someone from a support institution, care center, or telephone counseling helpline. By sharing, you can talk about what you want to do next with the person.

  Giving Information to a Government Official:

If you tell an authority figure (teacher, director, police officer, social worker, or psychologist) about your encounter, they may be legally obligated to take action against the perpetrator. They may need to verify your story in order to do so, so they may ask a lot of detailed questions that may seem intrusive or disturbing. You may feel fear, embarrassment, or rage, or you may relive the event(s) (as if it were happening again).

Remember that these individuals must follow proper processes to pursue the perpetrator and safeguard you. The investigators have been trained to work with people who have gone through comparable ordeals to you.

  Surviving Day by Day:

While every day may feel like a battle, there are a number of things you can do to help you deal.

Sleep is critical to your overall health. While many trauma survivors struggle to sleep, there are several things you can do to help. Moderate physical activity should be done a couple hours before bedtime. Try to have a small meal around two hours before bedtime, and avoid big meals and caffeine-containing liquids. If at all possible, avoid discussing sensitive topics right before bedtime. If at all feasible, go to bed at around the same time, in the same area, and in a peaceful atmosphere.

  Eating Routines:

Consuming a well-balanced diet regularly is advantageous to your health. Low-fat, low-sugar, and easy-to-digest foods are beneficial to your health. Keep an eye on your weight. Maintain a regular meal schedule during the day, and avoid eating late at night or right before bedtime. Limit your alcohol intake because it can impair your judgment and reactions, as well as negatively impact your emotions and interpersonal connections.

  Make a Healthy Routine for Your Day:

Maintain everyday routines such as getting up, going to work, meeting people, sleeping, and engaging in recreational activities. Engage regularly in moderate physical activity and eat regular meals. Make a list of activities that bring you joy and do at least one of them every day


Taking care of yourself is beneficial to your health and well-being. If you have any health concerns, talk to your doctor, avoid using drugs, and restrict your alcohol and tobacco usage.

  The Use of Social Media:

Determine who you can trust and discuss your problems and troubles with them. Seek their guidance and keep in touch with them frequently. Meet new and fascinating individuals with an open mind.

  Journal/Expressive Writing

Consider keeping a journal of happy occurrences and interactions with individuals to help you become more aware of the various resources available to you. Feelings can be expressed and organized through writing.


People who have experienced trauma can benefit from a variety of treatments that can help them cope with their symptoms and enhance their quality of life.


Therapy is the first line of defense against trauma. Individuals should ideally work with a therapist who is trauma-informed or trauma-focused.

The following are some of the types of therapy that a traumatized person could benefit from:

  CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is a treatment approach.

  CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) assists people in altering their thought processes in order to impact their actions and emotions.

  Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most effective treatment for PTSD (CBT).

  Desensitization and reprocessing of eye movements:

  Another prominent trauma therapy is eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, or EMDR.

  During EMDR, people recall specific traumatic events for a brief time while the therapist regulates their eye movements. The purpose of EMDR is to help people process and integrate traumatic events.

  EMDR is an effective treatment for PTSD in several randomized controlled trials.

  Therapies for mental and physical health

Some therapists utilize somatic or body-based therapy to assist the mind and body in processing trauma. According to a review of the literature published in the Australian Psychotherapy and Counseling Journal, body-based therapies can help a wide spectrum of patients.

These treatments include:

 Sensorimotor psychotherapy

Sensorimotor psychotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the senses.

This style of therapy uses a combination of techniques to help people turn unpleasant experiences into sources of strength.

 Body-based therapies are combined with psychotherapy:

Acupoint stimulation is a technique in which acupoints are stimulated.

To promote relaxation, a practitioner applies pressure to certain parts of the body.

 Stylus therapies entail

Other touch therapies comprise Reiki, healing touch, and therapeutic touch treatment.

There is currently less evidence to support the efficacy of somatic therapies than there is for CBT and EMDR. More data on these strategies, according to the researchers, will aid in determining how they function.


Medication cannot alleviate trauma or PTSD on its own, but it can help people control signs including panic, depression, and sleep issues. A person's alternatives should be discussed with their doctor.

This piece is produced by Rameen Mazhar, one of the permanent contributors to the School of Literature.

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