Feminist Analysis of the Short Story The Yellow Wallpaper




The feminist analysis is the application of the ideologies of feminism on a literary text. Feminism itself is the collection of movements focusing on establishing and defending the rights of women in different political, social, economical, and legal fields.

Feminist Analysis

The feminist analysis of a literary text focuses on two basic notions i.e. the role of the women portrayed in the text and the construction of women in the text by relating it with different ideas highlighted by literary feminist critics. The feminist analysis of the short story The Yellow Wallpaper will be done about these two aspects.

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The Portrayal of Women in the Text

The portrayal of women in the text is one of the most significant aspects of analyzing a literary text through feminist criticism. Firstly, the portrayal of the protagonist in the short story in the start is like an ideal wife who is submissive. The only role she has been given is to obey the patriarchy i.e. her husband. The husband; John is the representative of patriarchy in the short story. Throughout the short story, he is seen controlling his wife ordering her not to write

John has cautioned me not to give way to fancy in the least

Laughing at her

John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage

And even considering her as emotionally, intellectually and socially inferior being. The treatment of the protagonist is more like an ornamental wife rather than as an equal partner having her rights and values. Her husband even dictates her actions as highlighted in the text:

He is very careful and loving, and

Hardly lets me stir without special direction.

Again and again, she is emotionally degraded by the patriarchy. She is treated like a puppet rather than a human being having a mind of her own. Her husband prescribes her medicines instead of taking her to a doctor. He considers her to be an emotionally incapable and inferior being who needs a shoulder to cry upon. Her existence is mere of an object who is defined by the hands of the patriarchy which is subordinated to the male. Her social and economic freedom has been snatched away by her husband as he doesn’t approve of her writing:

He hates to have me write a word

She is confined to the room by the misogynists and needs the approval of her husband to write. She is treated as a mirror possessing the power to reflect the glorified image of her husband who loves her. Even the identity of the protagonist is not told. The only information that is given about her personal life is her relationship with the male i.e. her husband and her brother.

The Social Construction of the Women in the Text

Another significant aspect of feminist analysis is the identification of the social construction of women in the text. At the start of the short story the protagonist herself is in a feminine phase i.e. she accepts the prevalent social conditions in which she follows the commands of the patriarchy and never rebels against those societal norms and social roles of women. As the story progresses the protagonist comes to realize her plights at the hands of her husband. She realizes that she is being controlled all along and to suppress that sense of being controlled she scratches away the yellow wallpaper: 

And I’ve pulled off most

Of the paper, so you can’t put me back!

And finally, in the end, she accepts this construct and by standing over her husband she feels a sense of superiority and accomplishment. For the first time she feels superior to her husband and creeps over him again and again: 

But he did, and right across my path by

The wall, so that I had to creep over him

Every time!


In conclusion, one may say that feminist criticism deals with the portrayal of women and the social construction of women in the literary text. By applying feminist criticism to the short story The Yellow Wallpaper, one can highlight the social, and psychological pressure the women of contemporary society had to face in the name of different social institutions such as marriage.

This great analysis is done by Syeda Areeba Fatima, one of the contributors at the School of Literature.

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