An Inclusive Planning Process: The Ideal Base for Progression


Planning is a multi-disciplinary and in-depth process. Basically, the planning is posting for a quality aim, complete statement, and desire goals to address the specific problem and return the positive outcomes. The dimensions of the planning solely revolve around the model of the policy scientist Harold Lasswell’s as according,      


The planning cycle, in addition, also emphasizes the bedrock of ample consideration that the policy must be problem-oriented. Prior to the phase of the planning, the problem should be diagnosed for justifying the base for policy formulation and its future induction. It is the stage where the policymakers explore the nature of the problem by applying the concept of the 5w’s. Furthermore, the policy design must be followed by normative values. It usually approaches the specifications of the natural and human environment. The variation of the aforesaid factors directly influences policy planning. On the other hand, the most vital in the process of planning is that there must the public participation to make the policy fruitful. Public participation, indeed, is the dynamic part of the planning. It has the potential to decide the fate of the planning.

The policy think tanks, institutions, development agencies around the globe in the current scenario stresses the part of public participation. It is because the minded policymakers believe in the bottom-up formulation instead of the top-down. The bottom-up style heightens the number of stakeholders for a common cause. The significant outcome for choosing the following method, it induces community development concept in the population of a definite locality.        

 Decentralized planning's essence is to empower the public to take a stance for their due rights, articulate their concerns, and put their wishes, requirements, grievances, and so forth sublimely in front of the last deciders. The bottom-up method, perform at the grass root. So, the citizens know what they need and they take a major part in making solutions to their needs. The reports revealed that the community copes projects in a better way than projects managed by the LG. The real reason for it is that the local governments have more political, tribal, and cultural associations rather than maintaining the structure of the merit.   

The plain objectives of the grass root planning are to shift and balance the torque of the power between the state organs and the common public. The first and foremost is to reduce the gap of information problem. Such planning allows building the close narration formation of the decider and accepter. It is a clear mechanism of control and development management. It makes sure the allocation of development funds in an accurate way, government becomes more responsible and accountable to the public at the lower level, improve and strengthen the public delivery tools by providing the rights to citizens to undertake self-initiated development plans. In the end, the significances of fair planning elevate the edges of good governance.      

Good governance, for instance, is the roaming phenomenon in the developing countries of South Asia. The transformation of the state entities is under the barrier of elite capture. The policy process which is also the voice of the voiceless people is not indefinite shape in the respective regions.  The planning mechanism is not on a merit basis but it is the wish lists of the individuals. Planning is a continual process, however, the political governments and self-made biasness halted the projects of the successive regime and turn around the process into a new direction. As a consequence, the objectives of the plan are ruins, the impact decreases, and the state and public resources become wasted without any contribution.

The serious setbacks in these societies are the disintegration based on racial and ethnic mode. It ultimately boost the local collision and cut down the scope of artful planning. Even more, it is through the issue of ineffective outreach of the population to participate in the planning cycle. It decreases the availability of equal access of the people on an equal basis. Last but not the least, the policy or planning impact does not take place accordingly.

At the bottom of the discourse, planning is a talking-based statement that does not happen in an ideal world. The true spirit of the planning needs inclusive and participatory elements both at grass root and the central level.

Writer: The article is produced by Syed Mansoor Ahmed, one of the academic writers at the SOL Community.


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