A Critical Comment on 'The Praise of Chimney-Sweepers' |Charles Lamb|


'The Praise of Chimney-Sweepers' is an essay written by one of the most prominent literary figures, Charles Lamb. In the essay poor but kidnaped aristocratic children are being presented with extreme brevity that they are forced to work in the chimney. The essay is a literary sense that has been written in a poetic style or it may, indeed, be called a “lyric in prose". The essay shows the humane and sympathetic nature of the writer. There are three segments in which he describes what he calls “sassafras tea” which, is greatly adored by the chimney- sweepers.

His slipping and become a puppet of ridicule in the first paragraph, the children belong to aristocratic families in the second and the third paragraph-long anecdote relating to the sumptuous entertainments in honor of young chimney-sweepers.

Lamb's unique style of writing is very clear in the essay that is iteration. This essay is generally believed to a highly intellectual and imaginative with an abyss of emotions.


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