Brief Characteristics of Greek Tragedy



A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances. 

Greek Tragedy

Greek tragedy was a popular and influential form of drama performed in theatres across ancient Greece from the late 6th century BCE. The most famous playwrights of the genre were Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides and many of their works are still performed centuries after their initial premiere. Greek tragedy led to Greek comedy and together these genres formed the foundation upon which all modern theatres are based. For example, Oedipus Rex.

Characteristics of Greek Tragedy

There are five Characteristics of Greek tragedy which are as follows

1. Tragic hero

2. Tragic flaw

3. Catastrophe

4. Chorus

5. Central belief; fate

1. Tragic Hero

A tragic hero is a person of High rank who accepts his or her downfall with dignity. For example; Oedipus Rex (Oedipus Rex by Sophocles).

 2. Tragic Flaw

An error in judgment or a weakness in character such as pride or arrogance (helps bring about the hero's downfall). For example; the pride, and curiosity of Oedipus, were the main causes of his downfall.

3. Catastrophe              

 A tragedy ends with a catastrophe; a disastrous conclusion that usually involves multiple deaths. If the tragic hero does not die, then he/she suffers destruction. For example; In Oedipus Rex, the queen of Jocasta hangs herself and Oedipus stabs his eyes pleading to be exiled.

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 4. Chorus

throughout a tragedy, a chorus (a mass group of actors) observes and comments on the action through songs. For example; in Oedipus Rex, they provide an Environment that underscores the tragic action. They also play a role as a character being a peacemaker and instill a sense of fear.

5. Central Belief; Fate

The ancient Greeks believed in the idea of fate or a destiny preordained by the Gods, no matter what action a person takes place in the present. For example; In Oedipus Rex; Oedipus, Jocasta, and Laius tried their best to get away from their prophecies which were given to them by oracles but fate triumphed and they fail.


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