Fashion Style and Its Origins, A History of Fashion Industry


Fashion literally means a trend or popular and latest style of clothing, hair, decoration, or behavior. Fashion also covers people's better adaptation of footwear, accessories, makeup, body piercing, or furniture. It can be defined in one phrase as “the art of creating fashionable apparel." It is generally believed that ‘Charles Frederick Worth' was the first fashion designer in the world dates back as 1826 who set up a fashion house in Paris, France. History proves that after Paris fashion came to be a popular trend in London and spread throughout the world. Fashion was the only unaffected industry and institution in the period of great trade depression. The money spends on fashion in a year is worth two trillion. It is very interesting to see that the amount of money that consumers spend on clothes, footwear, and jewelry each year is the equivalent to the combined gross domestic product (GDP) of the 126 poorest countries in the world – or just slightly larger than that. China is dominant in having the world's large population. Inditex—headquartered in Arteixo, Galicia, Spain—is the largest fashion apparel retailer in the world. But in terms of annual revenue, Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) beats out Inditex by a few hundred million dollars in the most recent fiscal year for each company. Aldous Huxley humorously satires on American women in these terms “American women continue to spend on their faces and bodies as much as they spent before the coming of the slump about three million pounds a week.
 Fashion is becoming very popular because of art, personality, fun, industry, and history. Film industries also promote and play a major role in one way or another. Fashion affects the lives of people, good or bad depending on the society where we live. For example, sometimes girls face very crucial offense due to their attires and style and boys vice versa. It is up to us either we like to be dandy according to the particular environment and requirement or not, no one can force us to do it. Obviously, people adapt new styles and fashions and forgetting their traditions and culture which was once their symbol of the entity. In this regard, western culture is a big source of inspiration. Whether we follow it or not it is no denying that fashion becomes a significant part of our lives.

Fashion is important in one way or another because it reflects our culture and tradition. I am not agreeing with the point that it is a good thing but it is a way to be differentiating others. According to the religious perspective, cloths are your first protector and shelter. It protects us from harm as well. The best way to enjoy fashion is to wear what you love and be yourself. There is plenty of reasons why fashion is important and plays a significant role in over lives. We can express ourselves best through fashion, the first impression is the last impression, it can give confidence and entertainment.


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